North Star is known as the 'heart of the Golden Triangle', a prime wheat-growing area in north-west NSW. Our school is caring and supportive, providing an enjoyable, stimulating and challenging environment. We continually strive to ensure that our students receive a high quality education.
Students are encouraged to care about their schoolwork and each other, and to strive to reach their potential. Our teachers aim to give students the best possible opportunities in academic, cultural, sporting and social areas. We aim, in particular, to have our Year 6 students very well prepared for their transition to Year 7. The school and community are proud of the students' outstanding results in the international academic competitions for schools.
Our sporting achievements in swimming and athletics at a local and state level are exceptional for a small school. Our students participate in the Premier's Reading Challenge, Sporting Challenge and Spelling Bee as well as the Multicultural Public Speaking and Debating competitions. We are involved in the local ANZAC Day march and service, CWA International Day and support a Foster Child in Indonesia. We aim 'To be the best we can be'.
For more information, please see ourĀ parent information booklet (DOC 592KB).